Monday 18 June 2012

Final Women & Femininity

Essay Final
Violence and Femininity
By: Kevin Grayston (100720413)

            The movie Doomsday is about girl Eden Sinclair (Rhona Mitra) who becomes a woman after a terrible childhood where her country was consumed by an epidemic. After years of the outbreak it has happened again but spreading quicker and farther. Eden Sinclair, a special agent and a group of specialists are sent to the ground zero or the quarantine zone known as Glasgow Scotland. Eden Sinclair is definitely a violent female character, and can also be seen as a sexual object; she is the definition of counter stereotype, and does portray a beautiful femme fatale. Through the following paragraphs it will show how this movie demonstrates the violent female at its best.

            Like Alice the lead role in the Resident Evil series or Selene in the Underworld series, Eden demonstrates her violence with control and precision. Like these other roles Eden is shown as a sexual object throughout the entirety of the movie. From being dressed in tight fitting clothes showing her athletic physique to the way her hair is cut hiding a side of her face, having that mysterious appeal to her look. Unlike my two examples earlier, in this particular movie Eden does not have any special powers; she uses raw strength, skill, speed, and technical ability that give her an advantage. She resembles an equal male role but with female traits. Instead of the Bond persona where the lead male will succumb to seduction of the opposite sex; Eden easily rejects the counter male seduction role.
            She is the definition of counter stereotype. Eden has no stereotypical woman traits. No desire to raise a family, easily scared, or vulnerable; she exhibits pure independent strength mentally and physically. Unlike your stereotypical woman where she is afraid to get her hands dirty, Eden does just that. She portrays the future of women, that they can make all the same choices that men do and even better. In VFAC (violent female action character) categories Eden portrays the perfect version. She is self motivated and because of the era she’s in, she is given’ the appropriate equipment but when that fails, amazing hand to hand combat ensues.
            Eden is the classic femme fatale. Her personality and look demonstrate this to the ‘T’. Coming from a ruined childhood she lures u in with mystery and a badass vibe. When she goes for a kill it is in one hit usually and it’s quiet. When there is the occasion that she is taking on more then she can handle, she shoots first and asks questions later. Although there isn’t much difference when compared to a male similar role she does get equally as beaten up and can still continue her endless rampage. The best quality of her role is that in the end she creates her own future which is the good in the movie, she stands up for what’s right.
            In conclusion Eden Sinclair is my favourite violent female whether it comes from her sexual appeal or her kick ass dominance in combat. Like many comics new forms of people are created. Doomsday takes it to the next level with a real plausible female lead and futuristic tweaks. Other movies should take it another level to step out of the frame of how action should be depicted. As we move forward and technology, stories are created more and more lead violent female roles will continue to be casted and adored.

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